The story of Cinque and the Amistad – done men’s pulp magazine style

In the politically incorrect, sensationalized realm of vintage men’s adventure magazines, “true” stories based on historical facts usually had some angles and embellishments you don’t find in other sources. Case…

A tip of the hat to Tom Brinkmann and his BAD MAGS…

Vintage men’s adventure magazines were pretty wild compared to the mainstream magazines published during the 1950s, 1950s and 1970s. Some were deemed to be “pornography,” which forced them to be…

Reefer madness from SPUR magazine – “GANGI: Hell Smoke of the Caribbean”

From 1956 to 1961, a men’s adventure magazine titled Rugged Men was published by Stanley Publications, Inc., one of the magazine companies owned by former comics publisher Stanley Morse. In…

UNTAMED magazine takes us to the “Lusty Island of Lost Women”

As you can tell from some of my previous posts, I am a big fan of the vintage men’s adventure magazine Untamed and an aficionado of pulp art, pulp fiction…

The Men’s Adventure Magazines Facebook page

Some months ago, as an experiment, I created a Men’s Adventure Magazines page on Facebook to go with this blog. I wanted to try it out as an alternative to…

Talking with the American Art Archives team, Thomas and Christiane Clement

I first ran across the American Art Archives website about a year ago, when I was looking for some online information about Robert E. Schulz, one of the many great…

“Lustful Bushwhackers,” a “Heroic Orgy” and Lili St. Cyr’s answer to the question “Are Strippers Oversexed?”

In my last post I featured cover art done for the magazine Untamed by Ed “Emsh” Emshwiller, who is more widely know for his great science fiction cover art. In…

A rare LSD story from 1956 – “I WENT INSANE FOR SCIENCE”

There are several noteworthy things about the August 1956 issue of Man’s Magazine (Vol. 4, No. 7, published by Almat Publishing Corp.) One is the great action cover painting, showing…

Fourth of July reading for fans of men’s adventure magazines…

Ah, yes. Fourth of July weekend. A nice long weekend that most hard-working American men enjoy. And, after the barbecues and fireworks are over, some men like to relax with…

“Hemingway R.I.P. Day” on the Men’s Adventure Magazines blog

The legendary American writer Ernest Hemingway loomed large in men’s adventure and bachelor magazines of the 1950s and 1960s. In the minds of many men of that era — and…

“Jungle Jane” Dolinger among the Jivaro headhunters and beyond

The previous post here focused on Marion Michael, star of the 1956 cult film Liane, Jungle Goddess. Marion is one of the two famous “jungle girls” featured in the premiere…

A cult gem from SOUTH SEA STORIES – Marion Michael as “Liane, the Jungle Goddess”

For fans of the pulpiest vintage men’s adventure magazines, there’s a lot to like about SOUTH SEA STORIES. And, the premiere issue, dated July 1960, is one of the best.…