My annual Memorial Day post: a look at the first issue of BATTLE CRY magazine…

[EDITOR’S NOTE: A link to a flip page copy of the first issue of BATTLE CRY magazine is at the bottom of this post.] Memorial Day is a day to…

Memorial Day reading: the first issue of BATTLE CRY (Dec. 1955)

  [EDITOR’S NOTE: A link to a flip page copy of the first issue of BATTLE CRY magazine is at the bottom of this post.] Memorial Day is a day…

“Men’s Adventure Magazines and the Art of War” – a PulpFest presentation (Part 2)…

My previous post on this blog reprinted the first half of the presentation I made with my publishing partner Wyatt Doyle at last year’s PulpFest. In case you don’t know…

“Men’s Adventure Magazines and the Art of War” – a PulpFest presentation (Part 1)…

PulpFest is one of the biggest and best annual pulp-related conventions in the country. It’s a descendant of PulpCon, a pioneering event that ran annually from 1972 to 2008. In…

From Vic Prezio and James Bama to Walter Popp and Norm Eastman – the missing HORRORHOUND captions, Part 2…

As explained in my previous post, men’s pulp art collector Rich Oberg and I recently put together an article about men’s adventure magazines that was published in the July/August 2011…

Men’s “sweat magazine” cover paintings from the Oberg Collection – Part 3: originals by Bruce Minney, Walter Popp and Vic Prezio…

Today’s post is the third in a series showing original men’s “sweat magazine” cover paintings from the Rich Oberg Collection (courtesy of Rich). The first post in the series featured…

Harlan Ellison’s “lost” men’s adventure magazine stories

Harlan Ellison is most often associated with science fiction. That’s understandable, of course. He is the author of some of the greatest science fiction stories ever written, like “‘Repent, Harlequin!’…

An interview with David M. Earle, author of the new book All Man! Hemingway…

All Man!, by Dr. David M. Earle, is a fascinating new book that provides a unique perspective on men’s adventure magazines. It traces the evolution of Ernest Hemingway’s giant-size public…

Men’s adventure magazines and PTSD – plus another early Harlan Ellison story

There’s an interesting chapter in the new book All Man! Hemingway, 1950s Men’s Magazines, and the Masculine Persona, by David M. Earle, that discusses how the post-WWII men’s adventure magazines…

Rugged Men and Rugged Weasels

  As I mentioned in a previous post, finding out Frank Zappa got the name for his 1970 Weasels Ripped My Flesh album from a headline on a vintage men’s…