Updated on December 27, 2018… EDITOR’S NOTE: A while back, I posted an interview here with a writer I’m a huge fan of and proud to call a…
Category: Mel Crair
“Charge of the Mad Machine Gunner” – one of Robert F. Dorr’s classic war stories…
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is an updated version of a post I wrote in 2009, shortly after I had my first of many phone calls with writer Robert F. Dorr. In…
Mala Mastroberte’s MALALAND MAGAZINES – a unique new book for fans of vintage pulp covers and pinup photos…
Many of the nearly 400 members of the Men’s Adventure Magazines Facebook Group associated with this blog are writers, artists or both. Several have new books that I highly recommend…
Robert F. Dorr’s MISSION TO TOKYO – an epic new history book by a former men’s adventure writer…
With the holiday season upon us, I decided to do some posts about books I’d recommend as gifts for fans of vintage men’s adventure magazines. First up is MISSION TO…
Men’s “sweat magazine” cover paintings from the Oberg Collection – Part 3: originals by Bruce Minney, Walter Popp and Vic Prezio…
Today’s post is the third in a series showing original men’s “sweat magazine” cover paintings from the Rich Oberg Collection (courtesy of Rich). The first post in the series featured…
Men’s “sweat magazine” art from the Rich Oberg Collection – Part 1: Mel Crair covers
Bondage and torture cover art and stories are fairly common features of some vintage men’s adventure magazines. The most notorious and most sought after are the Nazi B&T covers —…
The magazines for men who liked their adventures “savage” and “big”…
Not long after I wrote the New Year’s post about duplicate uses of the same illustration in different issues of men’s adventure magazines, I ran across an example that involves…
MAN’S ILLUSTRATED exposes “The Instant Thrill Pill.”
In an entry I posted here a while ago, I featured a wild, but apparently true story about a doctor who volunteered to be a guinea pig in some early…
When cocaine grew on trees (in men’s pulp magazines)…
By the early ‘70s, the men’s adventure magazine genre was dying out, largely due to competition from more sexually explicit men’s magazines. “The market slid ever crotchward,” as Josh Alan…