Make believe paperbacks on men’s adventure magazine covers…

EDITOR’S NOTE: Here’s a look back at a previous post on this blog that needed some updating… Lynn Munroe is one of the world’s top experts on vintage paperback books,…

Bill Edwards artwork from the David O’Dell collection, sleaze paperbacks and the Air Force Art Program…

One of the great things about the Facebook group associated with this site is that it has attracted many other knowledgeable fans and collectors of mid-Twentieth Century pulp art and…

Glamour girl Eva Lynd and artist Al Rossi: together again…

To men’s adventure magazine collectors, Eva Lynd is best known — by sight if not by name — as a favorite model of artist Norm Eastman. She appeared on many…

Vintage “sweat magazine” cover paintings by John Duillo, from the Rich Oberg Collection

In a recent conversation with men’s adventure art collector Rich Oberg, we discussed the fact that most of the vintage “sweat magazine” cover paintings in his collection have rarely been…