EDITOR’S NOTE: This post refers to the special edition of POLLEN IN PRINT 1955-1959 that came with perks via an Indiegogo campaign listing. That campaign has ended. However, the book…
Category: Samson Pollen
PulpFest 2021, featuring a virtual appearance by Eva Lynd…
I had a great time attending the PulpFest 2021 convention that was held in Pittsburgh in August. I went there with Wyatt Doyle, my co-editor in the Men’s Adventure Library…
An interview about our book POLLEN’S WOMEN: THE ART OF SAMSON POLLEN…
As noted in previous posts on this blog, I love the fanzines published by UK paperback and action/adventure media maven Justin Marriott. Justin began publishing his flagship fanzine THE PAPERBACK…
POLLEN’S ACTION: THE ART OF SAMSON POLLEN, our second book showcasing Sam’s men’s adventure magazine art
Simply put, Samson Pollen was one of the greatest of the many artists who provided illustrations for the men’s adventure magazines (MAMs) that flourished from the early 1950s to the…
Original Samson Pollen artwork featured in POLLEN’S WOMEN – now available from Sam…
The books in the Men’s Adventure Library series of books I co-edit and publish with Wyatt Doyle all feature classic artwork from men’s adventure magazines published in the 1950s, 1960s…
I’m very happy to announce the release of POLLEN’S WOMEN: THE ART OF SAMSON POLLEN, the latest book in the Men’s Adventure Library series that I co-edit and publish with…
I WATCHED THEM EAT ME ALIVE! — the new Men’s Adventure Library book and first “Men’s Adventure Journal”
“I had a glimpse of a squirrel perched on his neck; it seemed funny as hell for a second.” That was the initial reaction of the main character in the…
STAG, December 1965 – WWII battles, Wild Flings, “Foxhole Girls” and more…
My previous post about the December 1965 issue of STAG focused on the author of its cover story about Pearl Harbor – military historian Robert F. Dorr – and on…
MALE magazine, May 1973 – Part 2: from “Good Girl Art” to bad clothing…
There are cool, interesting or entertainingly wacky things in almost every men’s adventure magazine published in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. As mentioned in my last post, the May 1973…