EDITOR’S NOTE: I first learned about vintage paperback fanzine publisher Justin Marriott from my friend writer, editor and action/adventure media maven Paul Bishop (whose latest book is 52 WEEKS •…
A Men’s Adventure Magazines & Books Facebook Group Update…
Back in 2010, I created a Facebook group as a spinoff of this blog. It’s called the Men’s Adventure Magazines & Books Group. Given the sometimes politically incorrect content in…
I WATCHED THEM EAT ME ALIVE! — the new Men’s Adventure Library book and first “Men’s Adventure Journal”
“I had a glimpse of a squirrel perched on his neck; it seemed funny as hell for a second.” That was the initial reaction of the main character in the…
INDIA TODAY’s Kai Friese looks at American pulp and men’s adventure magazines…
The Men’s Adventure Magazines & Books Facebook Group associated with this blog now has over 2,000 members from around the world. Quite a few members are professional writers, such as:…