Legendary comics artist Syd Shores also did some wild men’s “sweat magazine” covers…

Most people who are familiar with artist Sydney “Syd” Shores (1913-1973) think of him as a comic book artist. And, indeed, he was one of the greatest comic book artists…

Scorpions ripped my flesh! (in men’s pulp magazine art)

Many kinds of “killer creatures” were featured on the covers of men’s adventure magazines in the 1950s and 1960s: big animals, small animals, fish, birds, crabs and various creepy crawlies,…

Why’d it have to be snakes, Indy? ‘Cause they’re frakkin’ scary!

Remember that snake scene in the original Indiana Jones movie, Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)? Indiana (Harrison Ford) looks down at the slithering mass in the “Well of Souls”…