“Monkey Madness” and bloodthirsty baboons

During my recent interview with Dr. David M. Earle, the author of All Man! (the excellent new book about Ernest Hemingway and 1950s men’s magazines), I asked him if he…

Talking with Rich Oberg: the Dean of Men’s Adventure Magazines

Recently, I had the good fortune of talking with Rich Oberg, who is literally the world’s greatest collector of men’s adventure magazines and the original artwork created for them. Examples…

Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds would’ve loved “The Virgins from Hell”

Recently, I bought a copy of the January 1961 issue of Male magazine online, largely because it had a cover painting by Mort Kunstler, one of the greatest and most…

Mort Kunstler – plus Survival at Sea: Part Deux.

My previous “survival at sea” post showed some great men’s adventure magazine covers. Since tales of survival in lifeboats and life rafts were a popular subcategory of stories in men’s…


During our recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, even the anti-war protesters have been saying they “support the troops.” It was different during the Vietnam War. And, men’s adventure magazines…