An interview about our book POLLEN’S WOMEN: THE ART OF SAMSON POLLEN…

As noted in previous posts on this blog, I love the fanzines published by UK paperback and action/adventure media maven Justin Marriott. Justin began publishing his flagship fanzine THE PAPERBACK…

Original Samson Pollen artwork featured in POLLEN’S WOMEN – now available from Sam…

The books in the Men’s Adventure Library series of books I co-edit and publish with Wyatt Doyle all feature classic artwork from men’s adventure magazines published in the 1950s, 1960s…

A look at our book: CUBA: SUGAR, SEX, AND SLAUGHTER…

CUBA: SUGAR, SEX, AND SLAUGHTER, in another one of the story and art anthologies in the Men’s Adventure Library series I co-edit with Wyatt Doyle. This one is a collection…


I’m very happy to announce the release of POLLEN’S WOMEN: THE ART OF SAMSON POLLEN, the latest book in the Men’s Adventure Library series that I co-edit and publish with…

Happy Mothers Day – and thanks to head Mother Frank Zappa for my men’s adventure magazine obsession…

Naturally I think about my late mother every Mother’s Day. This year on Mother’s Day, in addition to thinking about Mom, I’ve been working on a new book collecting men’s…

Talking with writer Paul Bishop about BARBARIANS ON BIKES…

EDITOR’S NOTE: When Wyatt Doyle and I got the idea for an art book featuring bikers and motorcycle gangs, we ran it by our friend Paul Bishop. In addition to…

Robert F. Dorr talks about his classic war and adventure stories in A HANDFUL OF HELL – PART 2…

My previous post here featured excerpts from the introduction that author Robert F. Dorr wrote for A HANDFUL OF HELL, the fourth book in our Men’s Adventure Library series. HANDFUL…