WEASELS RIPPED MY FLESH! anthology (original paperback edition)


WEASELS RIPPED MY FLESH! is the first men’s adventure magazine (MAM) story anthology in the Men’s Adventure Library book series and one of only two not available in print-on-demand format on Amazon. Brand new copies are only available here or via our eBay listings. The copies you see on Amazon are either used or way too expensive, since they’re ordered from us an resold.

WEASELS is a 6″x9″ paperback featuring 25 classic MAM stories, including stories by writers who later became famous, such as Lawrence Block, Harlan Ellison, Bruce Jay Friedman, Robert Silverberg and Walter Wager.  It’s 436 pages long, illuminated with intros about the authors, artists and magazines and an interview with Mario Puzo, who worked for men’s adventure magazines before THE GODFATHER made him famous. It’s illustrated with black-and-white cover scans, interior scans and examples of classic ads from vintage men’s adventure magazines.

You can see an extensive preview by clicking this link

From the jungles to the deserts to the mean city streets, the men’s adventure magazines of the 1950s, ’60s and ’70s — pulpy periodicals like REAL MEN, MALE, MAN’S LIFE, TRUE MEN STORIES, UNTAMED, EXOTIC ADVENTURES and GUSTO — left no male fantasy or interest unexplored. War stories, exotic adventure yarns, “true, first-hand” accounts of white-knuckle clashes between man and beast, and spicy tales of sadistic frauleins and tropical white queens hungry for companionship … topped off with salacious exposés of then-shocking subjects like free love, the Beat Generation, homosexuality, LSD and the secret horniness hidden in calypso lyrics.

One of the stories included is the actual story “Weasels Ripped My Flesh!” from the September 1956 issue MAN’S LIFE — the title Frank Zappa made famous by using it for an album title in 1970.

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WEASELS RIPPED MY FLESH! is the first men’s adventure magazine (MAM) story anthology in the Men’s Adventure Library book series. WEASELS is a 6″x9″ paperback featuring 25 classic MAM stories, including stories by writers who later became famous, such as Lawrence Block, Harlan Ellison, Bruce Jay Friedman, Robert Silverberg and Walter Wager.  It’s 436 pages long, illuminated with intros about the authors, artists and magazines and an interview with Mario Puzo, who worked for men’s adventure magazines before THE GODFATHER made him famous. It’s illustrated with black-and-white cover scans, interior scans and examples of classic ads from vintage men’s adventure magazines.

You can see an extensive preview by clicking this link

From the jungles to the deserts to the mean city streets, the men’s adventure magazines of the 1950s, ’60s and ’70s — pulpy periodicals like REAL MEN, MALE, MAN’S LIFE, TRUE MEN STORIES, UNTAMED, EXOTIC ADVENTURES and GUSTO — left no male fantasy or interest unexplored. War stories, exotic adventure yarns, “true, first-hand” accounts of white-knuckle clashes between man and beast, and spicy tales of sadistic frauleins and tropical white queens hungry for companionship … topped off with salacious exposés of then-shocking subjects like free love, the Beat Generation, homosexuality, LSD and the secret horniness hidden in calypso lyrics.

One of the stories included is the actual story “Weasels Ripped My Flesh!” from the September 1956 issue MAN’S LIFE — the title Frank Zappa made famous by using it for an album title in 1970.

Writers Josh Alan Friedman (TALES OF TIMES SQUARE, BLACK CRACKER) and Wyatt Doyle (THE LAST COLORING BOOK, BE ITALIAN) join MAM collector and historian Robert Deis (Editor of MensPulpMags.com and co-editor of the Men’s Adventure Library series and MEN’S ADVENTURE QUARTERLY) for a guided safari through a jaw-dropping collection of classic men’s adventure magazine stories.

Packed with pulp fiction created by writers who later went on to greater fame, sensational illustrations by masters of men’s pulp art and wacky ads taken from the magazines’ back pages, Weasels Ripped My Flesh! is your passport to a gonzo world where every dame was a femme fatale or a scantily-clad damsel in distress and manly men fought small mammals bare-handed.


Preface: “Throw ’em a Few Hot Words” article by Josh Alan Friedman
Foreword by Wyatt Doyle
Introduction by Robert Deis
“Weasels Ripped My Flesh” by Mike Kamens, from MAN’S LIFE, September 1956
“‘Beat’ Girls: Worshippers of Zen and Sin?” by Gilbert Nash, from UNTAMED, February 1959
“Bar Room Girl Who Touched Off a Tribal War” by Walter Kaylin, from MALE, June 1966
“She Doesn’t Want You” by Lawrence Block (as Sheldon Lord), from REAL MEN, June 1958
“Death Climb” by Harlan Ellison, from TRUE MEN STORIES February 1957]
“Bayonet Killer of Heartbreak Ridge” by Robert F. Dorr, from MAN’S MAGAZINE, October 1964
“Eat Her—Bones and All” by Bruce Jay Friedman, from MALE, December 1954
“Trapped by Mau Mau Terror” by Robert Silverberg (as Norman Reynolds), EXOTIC ADVENTURES, 1959
Interview with Walter Wager about his men’s adventure magazine stories, by Josh Alan Friedman
“Please God, Help Me Break Out” by Walter Wager, from MALE, November 1958
“Chewed to Bits by Giant Turtles” by Vic Pate, MAN’S LIFE, May 1957
“Grisly Rites of Hitler’s Monster Flesh Stripper” by Jim McDonald, from MAN’S STORY, March 1965]
“Calypso: Pornography in Hi-Fi?” by George Majari, from GUSTO, October 1957
“50 Days as an Amazon Love Slave” by Robert Silverberg (as David Challon), from SIR, November 1959
Interview with Mario Puzo about his men’s adventure magazine stories, by Josh Alan Friedman
“The ‘Stewardess Call Girl Slave’ Ring” by Walter Kaylin, from [For MEN ONLY, December 1971
“Girl Crusoe” by Jane Dolinger, from ESCAPE TO ADVENTURE, March 1959
“I Married a Jungle Savage” by Ken Krippene, from SIR, November 1959
“I Went Insane for Science” by “Dr. Robert H.”, from MAN’S MAGAZINE, August 1956
“Ghost Bear” by Robert F. Dorr, from MALE, February 1975
“Just Window Shopping” by Lawrence Block (as Sheldon Lord), from MAN’S MAGAZINE, December 1962]
“I Was a Slave of the Savage Blonde” by E.C. Schurmacher, from HUNTING ADVENTURES, 1955
“I Went to a Lesbian Party” by Joanne Beardon, from ALL MAN, May 1964
“Monkey Madness” by Carl Evans, from MALE, August 1953
“Even the Rhinos Were Nymphos” article by Bruce Jay Friedman